Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía (ETSIME) is the research and teaching center of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) that offers undergraduate and postgraduate studies related to mining and energy engineering. As a research center, it is one of the oldest institutions in the world dedicated to mining and related sciences and technologies (geology, metallurgy, environment, energy, and explosives). It has a large number of laboratories specializing in multiple disciplines, such as geophysics, geotechnics, geochemistry, numerical modelling and mine safety. Their involvement in Rotate is formulated by two different teams: UPM-M and UPM-E.
The members of the UPM-M Working Group of the ETSIME (UPM) have developed an intense applied research activity in various aspects related to the development of geochemical and mathematical methods applied to the characterization of organic and inorganic contamination processes in soil, as well as to the assessment of human health risks For the development of its activities, this group has specialized laboratory and field equipment, as well as computer tools for risk analysis. The main roles of UPM-M in the framework of R8 are (a) leading Work Package 3, and (b) the development of a risk assessment module for the integrated environmental platform to be developed in Work Package 6.
The Laboratorio Oficial José María de Madariaga (LOM) is a reference center in Spain in mining, explosive atmospheres, explosives, and pyrotechnics, which was created at the proposal of the Ministries of Industry and Energy, and Universities and Research, by Order of the Presidency of the Government of November 27, 1979. Independently of its certification and testing activity in these fields, it is the specialized technical-scientific body of the General State Administration, in charge of providing advice and technical assistance in industrial and occupational safety matters, which are required in the field of legislative competence of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines. It is also part of Tecminergy, the investigation center at UPM, therefore LOM is carrying out European projects that deal with energy, sustainability and mining issues.
LOM, as UPM-E is the task leader for T8.4 (Clustering activities) and the deliverables D8.5 (Clustering plan) and D8.6 (Protocols to cooperate with RMIS & EURMKB) that should be delivered until de sixth month of the R8 project. Also, LOM has an important participation in T3.4 (Low environmental footprint solutions for common processes), and as all the partners, LOM will take part in other tasks of WP5,6,7 and 9.
LinkedIn: https://es.linkedin.com/school/universidad-politecnica-de-madrid/
Twitter: @La_UPM
UPM: https://www.instagram.com/somosupm/
ETSIME: https://www.instagram.com/etsimeupm/
UPM: https://es-es.facebook.com/universidadpolitecnicademadrid/
ETSIME: https://es-es.facebook.com/etsimeupm
UPM: https://www.youtube.com/user/UPM
ETSIME: https://www.youtube.com/user/EscueladeMinas
UPM: https://www.flickr.com/photos/universidadpolitecnica/
ETSIME: https://www.flickr.com/photos/etsimeupm/albums/