Please introduce yourself first and tell us about your background, areas of expertise, and your position in your institution.
My name is Bárbara Estebaranz and I have a degree in Business Administration and European Business Administration. My areas of expertise within the company are finance, purchasing, and grant management.
What is your role in Rotate as an organization and as an individual?
My role within the Rotate project is the administrative management of the grant. I participate in the Telco’s and do the presentations at the kick-offs.
Why do you think that projects like Rotate are so important?
Projects that build communities, both online and offline, are vital for social support, networking, and collective action. They can bring people together for shared goals and causes.
In your opinion which should be the most important areas for the future of mining?
The first objective is to make mining more sustainable. The transition to a sustainable society and the development of a proposal for a strategic action plan for sustainability. The strategic action plan should facilitate industry to be part of societal change, contribute to economic development by helping society achieve the Sustainable Development Agenda Goals UN, and be an active driver of change rather than being forced to respond to external demands.
Let us know you a little bit better. Would you tell us something you like to do when you are out of the office?
Enjoying life.
AMP Mineral Processing Team. From left to right: Jesús Manuel Vallejo, Ignacio Sánchez Sánchez, Bárbara Estebaranz