Rotate Project News2023-09-26T08:23:29+02:00

Rotate Project News

Join the DigiEcoQuarry Massive Open Online Course on Aggregates

The DIGIECOQUARRY Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) invites you to explore the importance of aggregates and their applications, along with the exploitation techniques, digitalization, and sustainability of this extractive industry, and discover the solutions along nine key action areas. The [...]

Isabel Amez. Assistant professor in the Department of Energy and Fuels

Collaborator of the Laboratorio Oficial Madariaga. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Please introduce yourself first and tell us about your background, areas of expertise, and your position in your institution: I hold a PhD in Energy Engineering and currently work [...]

Elena López Martínez. Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Piedra y Materiales

Please introduce yourself first and tell us about your background, areas of expertise, and your position in your institution. I have a PhD in Chemical Engineering specializing in Environmental Management Technology. Since 2004 I have been Head of the R&D [...]

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