Please introduce yourself first and tell us about your background, areas of expertise, and your position in your institution

I am a Mining Engineer with a PhD in Geochemistry from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Since 1990, I have been a member of the faculty of that same university where I now hold the position of Full Professor. I have also worked in research or teaching positions in Germany (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Roshstoffe), Norway (Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning), Sweden (Jönköping University) and the US (Colorado School of Mines). My research activity has focused on different aspects of Environmental Geochemistry, Prospecting, and Human-Health Risk Assessment

What is your role in Rotate as an organization and as an individual?

Our research group oversees the development of a working model for human health risk assessment in the M&Q industry and the analysis of potential soil impacts and their management. I am leading Work Package 3 of the Rotate project.

Why do you think that projects like Rotate are so important?

The EU needs to guarantee a safe, environmentally sustainable, and independent supply of raw materials. Supporting multidisciplinary research and development efforts by consortia of international experts like Rotate is the best way to achieve that goal.

In your opinion which should be the most important areas for the future of mining?

Cleaner and more efficient extraction processes, minimal disturbance of surrounding ecosystems, eradication of future detrimental environmental legacies

Let us know you a little bit better. Would you tell us something you like to do when you are out of the office?

I am an avid reader and a curious traveler.